The last two weeks have been hard ones, (I had a lot of difficult work to do), but I managed to progress in the development of Six Sides of The World in the spare time. I’ve improved the navigation, because of the new gameplay element: The laser turret. The turret can be programmed to move in differente ways. It can be pointed to a target, rotate in several ways, at different speeds, and also can be hidden on the ground when it’s inactive and let Maigo pass over it, but when it’s active, a strong green laser (yes, green, why not? Red is used a lot) is emmited. It can’t destroy Maigo yet, but in future iterations it will do. And here is the new concept screenshot!
What will be next? After several weeks of programming, I want to draw, so, I will paint some new backgrounds, create new suns, and new tilesets and objects to build new kind of planets. See you soon!